Be seen. Be heard.

The Franc Pearl Sessions™
Dive In.

The Franc Pearl Sessions™ are a framework.

A framework guided by the healing powers of plant medicine.

A framework of practical tools and assignments.

A framework to safely explore, understand, and embody the landscape within.

They are deep listening and trusting; they are an offering and an invitation. They are intentions, goal setting, and integrating.

The Franc Pearl Sessions are ceremonies, supplements, and tinctures; they are microdosing; they are workshops and weekend retreats; they are one-on-one sessions, journaling prompts, and grounding exercises; they are attunements and chakra healings, breathwork and mantra assignments; they are flow state offerings and dietary directives. They promote neuroplasticity and personalize neurocatalytic techniques.

We follow a trauma-informed approach, and honor and integrate over 20 sacred (plant) medicines.

Discover a path to personal clarity, a way back to your voice.

This is not magic. The plants do only half the work, you do the rest. 

Through guiding principles of trust, humility, strength, and gratitude, we hold, see, listen, unwrap and honor all that arises.

The Franc Pearl Sessions™ are a journey, a singular call to action to see and be seen. They personalize healing modalities that return you to you.

Dive in.


Franc Pearl is your ally when you’re ready to step into the discovery of you.

What will change when you embark on this journey? Subtly and slowly, everything. Let’s talk about what works best for you.

All programs are customizable:

  • Microdosing Immersion Program

    1:1 integration sessions

    Eight microdosing (plant) options

    Personalized Neural Integration Strategies

    Full Session Reports with insights, direct translations and invitations

    One personalized Integration and Attunement Workbook

  • Private or Group Ceremony + Integration Sessions

    Three Intention setting sessions before ceremony

    Private ceremony with aligned medicine

    Three Integration sessions after ceremony

    Six Full Session Reports with insights, direct translations and invitations

    Personalized Neural Integration Strategies

    One Personalized Integration and Attunement Workbook

  • Microdosing Immersion + Ceremony & Integration

    1:1 Integration Sessions

    Seven microdosing plant options

    Four ceremony medicine options

    Private ceremony with aligned (plant) medicine in location of your choice

    Full Session Reports with insights, direct translations and invitations

    Personalized Neural Integration Strategies

    One Personalized Integration and Attunement Workbook

  • Corporate FDA-approved Microdosing Immersion Program

    Group Integration sessions

    Seven FDA-approved microdosing medicines options

    Full Session Reports with insights, direct translations, prompts and invitations

    Group-Focused Neural Optimization Strategies

    + Individual sessions available as an add-on.

Who are the Franc Pearl Sessions For?

  • Individuals seeking access to a stronger sense of self, deeper connections, better focus, improved mood, and greater purpose. 

  • Professionals trying to tap into a deeper well of insight, creativity, and leadership.

  • Lifestyle and professional coaches interested in expanding their understanding and use of sacred plant medicine.

  • You -- It's your path to clarity and self-discovery.


Where can you send microdosing medicines? I can ship our medicines anywhere in the world, with the exception of a few countries in Asia and the Middle East. 

Where do you offer ceremonies? All ceremonies are in person. I will come to you with the medicine and all ceremonial supplies anywhere in the world, with the exception of a few countries in Asia and the Middle East .

Are your sessions conducted over Zoom, phone, or in person? I’ll accommodate your situation, and can use Zoom or Google Meet. If we are geographically close (within 30 miles), we can meet in person. 

Can you customize a program based solely on FDA approved medicines? Yes!

I am a Medicine Woman, a Facilitator and CEO.

I am a Healer, a Master Plant Herbalist, a four-time Founder, a Microdosing Consultant and Coach, an Entheogen Speaker, and a Psychedelic Facilitator.

I am a devoted conduit of ancestral wisdom, bridging the ancient teachings of Shamanic Master Plants with the modern world. With deep honor, reverence, and humility, I lead all healing spaces mindful of the sacredness of the work I do. With permission from my Shipibo maestro, I am…

My professional journey is as dynamic as it is diverse. As a recovering CEO, and inventor of patented technology, my two decades of leadership in corporate …

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